Check out the Hunts page for package information
See the Accommodations page to see where you will be staying
Go to the Gallery page for Yellow Sky Outfitting photos
Quenton Swiftwolfe
C: 306-480-6458
Jason Poitras
C 306-441-3847
Mailing Address:
Yellow Sky Outfitters
Box 172
North Battleford, SK
S9A 2Y1
Whitetail Hunts: $5600.00 USD
Mule Deer Hunts: $5600.00 USD
Moose Hunts: $5600.00 USD
Elk Hunts: $6000.00 USD
- All hunts are six full days Monday- Saturday
- Arrange to arrive the Saturday before the hunt, we will pick you up at the
hotel of your choice on Sunday morning. Also arrange to have a room
reserved for the following Saturday evening when we return to Saskatoon
to drop off clients.
- A $2000.00 deposit is required to hold a spot (non refundable)
- Price includes lodging and all meals during your hunt
- Price also includes cape fees
- Cape of deer
- Cleaning of horns for transportation
- Rubbermaid tubs supplied for all successful hunts
- Any deer shot under 135” Boone and Crockett will be subject to a $500.00
fine. Failure to pay this fine will result in the loss of your spot for the
following year. This helps protect our younger crop of whitetails and help
them reach maturity for trophy deer hunting in the future.
Anyone wounding an animal and after an extensive search we cannot
retrieve it, there will be an additional $1500.00 charge to continue the hunt.